If you love Jesus say always the truth regardless if it is difficult to say, just be true and honest.
If you love Jesus don’t be afraid about what people can say about you, just care about what Jesus can say about you.
If you love Jesus you have to forgive people even if they hurt you because at the end no one is perfect and all of us tend to be sinners.
If you love Jesus don’t lose your time by being materialistic and avoid eroticism because ,according to Jesus these are satanic stuffs, and you can’t love Jesus by helping satan in his jobs.
If you love Jesus don’t cry when you have a problem but ask Jesus for help and he will be absolutely there.
If you love Jesus don’t be egoist but help sick and poor people you meet in your life.
If you love Jesus don’t be nervous because everything has solutions with Jesus.
If you love Jesus just smile because loving Jesus is the most precious thing in the world, this love will make your life the best life ever.
If you love Jesus pray and talk to him, he will always be there to listen to you.
Just love Jesus and put him in your heart, this is the only and the secure way for happiness.