I, the undersigned Samir Fayez Al-Badoui from Qabb-Elias, Chtoura, certify that two years ago I suffered from Hepatitis and I went to several doctors for treatment. The pain was so severe and my temperature was always very high. I was not getting any better after five months.
A woman gave me some Blessed Soil from Saint Rafqa’s Tomb and told me: “do you believe if u take this Blessed Soil and eat it?” I said: “God Knows”. So I took the Blessed Soil and I was cured in the same day. Thank You God. Thank You Saint Rafqa for giving me this Blessing.
My visit Today for Saint Rafqa’s Monastery is a thankfulness sign.
Amen. Sry. Rafka, thank you for your intercession. Without your interference, I would be in a different place and position now.