The Lord is coming, God is uniting his people, and his time is near. His people are sensing his coming; we must all turn to God and open our hearts fully to his love and to his revelation in our individual lives. He wants us. We have been given the instructions, we know all of Jesus’ commandments within the gospels; allow the gift of righteousness to reign in your life. It is time to repent. If there are any burdens, any challenges, any issues that you are having trouble with, anything that you are struggling with, it is time to hand them ‘all’ over to God and ask for help. If you are having difficulty in dealing with them and over coming them, it is time to humble yourself, drop to your knees and pray with all your heart and soul. God will give us the strength to match any tribulation. His people must not doubt, we having nothing to fear. Follow Jesus, have Faith in him, allow the Christ to cleanse and purify your mind, heart and experience a renewed spirit. There are many of us who are facing testing times, many facing tribulations, these trials we face come as guidance as lessons to teach us and mold us. The Lord is preparing his people. Listen to him and ‘learn’ from him. Give Jesus your time; follow him, give him priority in life over everything and all else will be added to you. Believe in his power, the Faith in his people is growing and strengthening. The power of God is being demonstrated through out our lives even if we do not always recognize it. The Holy Spirit is working through us subtly and effectively, be sure to pay attention and listen! Listen to your conscience, follow the truth within! Nothing is impossible with God, nothing! Find strength in him, seek Jesus with all your heart and soul and the Lord will come to you. Let us keep our minds and hearts focused on him in every single moment of every single day. Let us deny ourselves daily, let us surrender to him more and more, learn to lean on him, learn to trust him with absolutely everything, there is nothing outside of him, he is the answer and the finisher. The time is coming, be ready, be sure to have enough oil in your lamps, fill yourselves with the Holy Spirit, journey towards his light, allow your being to dissolve into Christ. We are God’s people…he is coming.